Our Blog

Wild parking and two-seater cars: a challenge for Artificial IntelligenceSmart City, , , , , 2024smart-cityai environment sustainability technology two-seater-car wild-parking
Environmental sustainability and technology: differences between Millennials and Baby BoomersSmart City, , , , , 2024smart-cityai environment italy sustainability technology waste-management
Beyond the Hallucinations: how to defeat the fake news created by LLMs?Artificial Intelligence, , , , , , 2024artificial-intelligencefake-news hallucinations large-language-models llms rag retrieval-augmented-generation tech
Building a smarter future for citizens: the power of AI in city developmentSmart City, , , , , , , 2024smart-cityindustry italy mobility residents safety sustainability technology waste-management
Deepfakes: a double-edged weapon of Artificial Intelligence?Artificial Intelligence, , , , , 2024artificial-intelligenceadele giorgia-meloni greta-thunberg indicators kim-kardashian tech

Why is Copenhagen the safest city in the world? Here’s its virtuous project

In two years Copenhagen has gone from the eighth position to being the safest city in the world. How did it achieve this result?

2022-08-10T15:18:06+00:00 Febraury 15th, 2023 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

India: no more overpopulation and pollution thanks to Smart City Mission 

India plans to solve the problems of its population with a great smart city project. What will it involve? Let’s find out.

2022-08-10T15:18:06+00:00January 12th, 2023 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

Why is Copenhagen the safest city in the world? Here’s its virtuous project

In two years Copenhagen has gone from the eighth position to being the safest city in the world. How did it achieve this result?

2022-08-10T15:18:06+00:00 Febraury 15th, 2023 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

India: no more overpopulation and pollution thanks to Smart City Mission 

India plans to solve the problems of its population with a great smart city project. What will it involve? Let’s find out.

2022-08-10T15:18:06+00:00January 12th, 2023 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

From cakes against paintings to AI: how we achieve sustainability

Food against paintings is a practice to increase the debate on sustainability, but now there is news and AI will play the main role.

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 December 14th, 2022 | Author: Niccolò Cacciotti| Category:

From cakes against paintings to AI: how we achieve sustainability

Food against paintings is a practice to increase the debate on sustainability, but now there is news and AI will play the main role.

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 December 14th, 2022 | Author: Niccolò Cacciotti| Category:

Smart people: who are they and how do they influence smart cities?

Each smart city should be unique because of its history and people. People, or rather smart people, play a key role. Here’s why.

2022-08-10T15:18:06+00:00November 30th, 2022 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

Why companies should use AI to counter cybersecurity attacks

It is difficult for companies to manage cybersecurity in the optimal way, but Artificial Intelligence can protect data and more.

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 November 17th, 2022 | Author: Niccolò Cacciotti | Category:

Smart people: who are they and how do they influence smart cities?

Each smart city should be unique because of its history and people. People, or rather smart people, play a key role. Here’s why.

2022-08-10T15:18:06+00:00November 30th, 2022 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

Why companies should use AI to counter cybersecurity attacks

It is difficult for companies to manage cybersecurity in the optimal way, but Artificial Intelligence can protect data and more.

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 November 17th, 2022 | Author: Niccolò Cacciotti | Category:

Smart city: should citizens really fear for their privacy? The definitive answer

Citizens don’t know how data is collected in the smart city. This is a big problem for their privacy. Research finally could solve it.

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 November 3rd, 2022 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

Smart city: should citizens really fear for their privacy? The definitive answer

Citizens don’t know how data is collected in the smart city. This is a big problem for their privacy. Research finally could solve it.

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 November 3rd, 2022 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

Recommendation systems: all you need to know about the two main approaches

Many products we buy have been suggested to us by recommendation systems, what are the main approaches? Let’s find out how they work!

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 October 19th, 2022 | Author: Niccolò Cacciotti | Category:

No planet B: how smart cities and AI can save our planet! 

Our planet is changing due to climate change and we show how AI and smart cities can help it become sustainable.

2022-08-10T15:18:06+00:00 October 6th, 2022 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

Recommendation systems: all you need to know about the two main approaches

Many products we buy have been suggested to us by recommendation systems, what are the main approaches? Let’s find out how they work!

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 October 19th, 2022 | Author: Niccolò Cacciotti | Category:

No planet B: how smart cities and AI can save our planet! 

Our planet is changing due to climate change and we show how AI and smart cities can help it become sustainable.

2022-08-10T15:18:06+00:00 October 6th, 2022 | Author: Rossana Cascione | Category: Smart City

Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and deep learning: are they the same thing?

We often confuse the meaning of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. What are they?

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 September 6th, 2022 | Author: Niccolò Cacciotti| Category:

Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and deep learning: are they the same thing?

We often confuse the meaning of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. What are they?

2022-07-14T10:30:06+00:00 September 6th, 2022 | Author: Niccolò Cacciotti| Category: